特別定額給付金について Special benefit as a coronavirus infection urgent economic policy
Special benefit as a coronavirus infection urgent economic policy
Who can get it?
The person who has registration of residence in the city offuice(JYUMINHYO) on the date of April 27, 2020.
The head of household receives the total amount for family members.
給付額 Benefit amount
給付対象者1人につき10万円 100,000 yen for 1 person
外国人について Foreign residents
The foreigner who has registration of residence at city offuice(JYUMINHYO) on the date of April 27, 2020 also get it.
Foreign people with short term visa and staying illegaly
給付金の申請及び給付の方法 How to apply and how to receive
(1)郵送申請方式 mailing application system
City government will send a application form to each head of household.
On-line application system (My number card holder is available.)
松山市について Matsuyama City
Matsuyama City announced as follows;
providing benefit by mailing application will start on May 14th.
providing benefit by on-line application will start on May 22nd.